Duties of Energy Managers and Auditors
- Prepare an annual activity plan and present to management concerning financially attractive investments to reduce energy costs.
- Establish an energy conservation cell within the firm with management’s consent about the mandate and task of the cell.
- Initiate activities to improve monitoring and process control to reduce energy costs.
- Analyze equipment performance with respect to energy efficiency.
- Ensure proper functioning and calibration of instrumentation required to assess level of energy consumption directly or indirectly.
- Prepare information material and conduct internal workshops about the topic for other staff.
- Improve disaggregating of energy consumption data down to shop level or profit center of a firm.
- Establish a methodology how to accurately calculate the specific energy consumption of various products/services or activity of the firm.
- Develop and manage training program for energy efficiency at operating levels.
- Co-ordinate nomination of management personnel to external programs.
- Create knowledge bank on sectoral, national and international development on energy efficiency technology and management system and information denomination.
- Develop integrated system of energy efficiency and environmental up-gradation.
- Wide internal & external networking.
- Co-ordinate implementation of energy audit/efficiency improvement projects through external agencies.
- Establish and/or participate in information exchange with other energy managers of the same sector through association.
- Report to BEE and State level Designated Agency once a year. The information with regard to the energy consumed and action taken in the recommendation of the accredited energy auditor, as per BEE Format.
- Establish an improved data recording, collection and analysis system to keep track of energy consumption.
- Provide support to Accredited Energy Audit Firm retained by the company for the conduct of energy audit.
- Provide information to BEE as demanded in the Act, and with respect to the tasks given by a mandate, and the job description.
- Prepare a scheme for efficient use of energy and its conservation and implement such scheme keeping in view of the economic stability of the investment in such firm and manner as may be provided in the regulations of the Energy Conservation Act.
- Conduct internal audit of individual equipment/system once a year.
- Submit copy of reports to Energy Manager with recommendation on action.
- Keep record of calibration status of all energy measurement instruments/devices.
- Maintain portable tools/instruments required for audit.
- Keep abreast of all Codes of practices for energy efficiency testing.
- Keep abreast of all Codes of practices for energy efficiency testing.
- Be a team member of the external audit team.
- For ESCO performance contract projects be verifier for M&V system and baseline and savings.